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Church Entrance

Church Entrance

How to be sure you will spend eternity in heaven!

God called Pastor Kenny to Anchorage, Alaska, in July 2020. For 11 years prior, he served the Lord and his pastor as a layman and deacon at Grand View Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Oregon. Under Pastor Mike Mutchler's leadership, he became involved in the children's ministry, teen ministry, jail ministry, bus ministry, and many others. He served faithfully in Oregon until April of 2020 when God called him to be a pastor and plant a church. After much prayer and counsel, he and his wife took a survey trip to Anchorage in June of 2020. Just a few weeks later, the family moved to Anchorage and began Bible studies. These Bible studies quickly bloomed into Open Door Baptist Church. Pastor Kenny and his wife are thrilled to see the blessings of the Lord and His work in this new church.
Pastor Kenny Menendez & Pastor's Wife Lydia
Our Services

Open Door Adult Church
Join us weekly, Sundays at 11AM and 6PM, and Wednesday at 7PM, to hear Pastor Kenny preach the Word and deliver sound biblical wisdom and teaching.

Outreach / Soulwinning
Join us as we reach out to our city! This is an opportunity to promote special events and share our faith in Christ through soul-winning. Thursday nights at 6:30PM and Saturdays at 11AM.

Open Door Junior Church
Children can enjoy learning about God and His love for them! Sundays at 11AM are a great time for your children to be excited about coming to church and learning from the Bible.

Frontline Teen Group
Calling all teens! On the first and third Fridays of the month, we gather for food and fun. Experience group games, hikes, statewide rallies, and great times!

Join Us
4317 MacInnes St Anchorage, AK 99508